Still Us, one of the Kunstbende participants, created a dance performance about transgressive behavior that will be shown at Spoffin. © Marcel Krijgsman

Round table discussion: sexual harassment in outdoor theatre


In cooperation with the Anadolu Üniversitesi in Türkiye, Festival Spoffin (August 26-28) is working on an European research project on sexual harassment in outdoor theatre. We don't hear much about it, but is there really nothing going on?

Students of the Turkish university will investigate this in the coming year. The first results will be presented during a round table discussion in Amersfoort, led by Prof. Ebru Gökdağ. The language of discussion will be English. In the autumn of 2022, the research will be expanded, culminating in a scientific publication in the summer of 2023.

We invite everyone who feels involved in outdoor theatre, artists as well as organizers and with any gender identity, to participate (anonymously) in the pilot survey.

This project has been supported by the Turkish-Dutch arts and culture platform ArtsMap.

> Registration:

> Festival Spoffin:

> Pilot survey:

> ArtsMap:

 Registratie voor ronde-tafeldiscussie

Still Us, one of the Kunstbende participants, created a dance performance about transgressive behavior that will be shown at Spoffin. © Marcel Krijgsman

Round table discussion: sexual harassment in outdoor theatre


In cooperation with the Anadolu Üniversitesi in Türkiye, Festival Spoffin (August 26-28) is working on an European research project on sexual harassment in outdoor theatre. We don't hear much about it, but is there really nothing going on?

Students of the Turkish university will investigate this in the coming year. The first results will be presented during a round table discussion in Amersfoort, led by Prof. Ebru Gökdağ. The language of discussion will be English. In the autumn of 2022, the research will be expanded, culminating in a scientific publication in the summer of 2023.

We invite everyone who feels involved in outdoor theatre, artists as well as organizers and with any gender identity, to participate (anonymously) in the pilot survey.

This project has been supported by the Turkish-Dutch arts and culture platform ArtsMap.

> Registration:

> Festival Spoffin:

> Pilot survey:

> ArtsMap:

 Registration for roundtable discussion
 Pilot survey